Wildlife and Nature 2020
Alfons Ollé coderch
amarillo, blue, vermell
the heritage landscape is a timeless reference. This report visualizes Venezuelan landscapes according to the color of the country's flag
For a person with roots, the territory and its flag constitute individual elements of identity that relate it to its group referent. For an urbanite or city man, the rural landscape also constitutes that spatial counterpoint that balances and counteracts his urban inputs and to which he goes to avoid his desire to run around, something that is less and less allowed in the habitats where he develops most of its micro-movements. From time to time a vacation period serves to make this necessary break-point to put a temporary stop to the standardized routines of the life experience that we develop as adults. This Venezuelan experience not only contributed to the aforementioned, but as the legend says of those who dare to step on Kanaima, there was a "before" and now there is an "after" ...!