Project Detail: Caribou Feed the North


Wildlife and Nature 2019




Peter Mather



Project Info

Caribou Feed the North

In the Arctic the land comes alive with the arrival of the caribou. It seems to wait for the caribou, for the caribou are the lifeblood of the North, feeding people, wildlife and the landscape.

Caribou are found throughout North America's Arctic. Herds numbering in the hundreds of thousands roam the wilderness and boreal forests. The caribou are the lifeblood of the North. The land comes alive when the caribou arrive. Ravens, eagles, foxes, wolves, bears and wolverines are some of the wild animals that depend on the caribou. The caribou also feed the landscape and all the peoples of the North. The Gwich'in people of Northern Yukon and Alaska are caribou people. Their cultural is defined by the caribou and their health depends on the health of the herds.
