Project Detail: Dancing the city


Swiss Storytelling Photo Grant 9th




Juan Galet

Project Info

Dancing the city

Places that tell us secrets over the years. Rhythms that fly over looking for the light.

This project brings flamenco dancing to the streets. The origin of flamenco is in the street, in the townspeople and in the fusion of cultures. The second part of the title is “city”, but city in a generic sense. It is not a specific city, it is more the city as an urban environment. An urban environment that serves as a dance scene. Flamenco is much more. It is feeling, it is life. And that life is taken to the street. The flamenco shown is a subtle, elegant, measured and placed flamenco. This flamenco coexists with the torn, intense flamenco. That's why we want to bring flamenco closer in a timeless way. Let's dance the city...
