Project Detail: UK Dairy


Reportage and Documentary 2022




Amy Jones


Project Info

UK Dairy

The life of a dairy cow on an intensive farm in the United Kingdowm

The United Kingdom is the third-highest milk producer in Europe, after France and Germany. With around 12,000 dairy farms across the UK, the industry produces around 15 billion litres of commercial milk each year.

Over 70% of animals farmed for products such as dairy, meat, and eggs are kept on factory farms, with close to 800 US-style mega-farms operating across the UK, according to the latest data. When it comes to dairy farms, at least 40,000 cows across 70 farms are kept in these intensive farming conditions. The vast majority are not allowed to graze and are kept permanently indoors in restricted conditions.

Animal rights groups and investigators say that the industry is depriving these animals of their basic needs and that the industry is misleading consumers into believing that their milk comes from free-range cows able to graze freely. These photographs were documented during an undercover investigation into the typical conditions of a UK-intensive dairy farm.
