Project Detail: Kolkata Railway Slum


Reportage and Documentary 2022




Francesca Salice


Project Info

Kolkata Railway Slum

The daily life portrait of the people who lives on the railway tracks.

In Calcutta, thousands of people live along the railway close to the rails.
Women, while looking after their youngest children, cook for the family, wash the clothes and hang them out in the sun.
Men, sitting cross-legged, tell stories of common life while playing cards.
Groups of boys joke and court the girls intent on making garlands of flowers.
Children play cricket with plastic balls and clubs made from old wooden planks saved from water of the Ganges.
As the train passes, everyone returns to home; then goes out again and resumes the interrupted activity.
In the houses, dilapidated shacks, there is no electricity: people exploit the light of the sun or, in the evening, the light of bulbs charged during the day with small solar panels.
