Project Detail: All This Love


Reportage and Documentary 2020




Mirja Maria Thiel



Project Info

All This Love

All This Love aims to broaden the social discourse about old age by reflecting love stories, mutual sexual attraction and intimate moments of self-confidence in older couples.

Today, with regard to old age, we are so used to discussing complex sets of challenges concerning the security of the pension system, the dramatic rise of dementia diseases, and the nursing crisis. We even talk about leisure culture and educational opportunities for the so-called silver and golden ager - mostly through an economic lense though - whereas eroticism and sexuality in older and high age couples are utterly underrepresented or even tabooed in the public mind. But endless variations of love, desire and eroticism build a universal value that is lived, at its best, by humankind all over the world at all ages. I feel confident that the moment this topic becomes everydaylife experience through ordinary coverage in the media and multiplied introduction into the arts, the more it will be accepted within society.
All This Love highlights some beautiful love stories and intimate moments of older couples.
