Reportage and Documentary 2019
Christian Martischius
The hunt is on: Fighting poaching and illegal trophy hunting in Kyrgyzstan
The Tian Shan are a large, isolated range on the border between China and Kyrgyzstan and home to a broad variety of wildlife. The very elusive snow leopards still occur here, as do the ungulate species that comprise their prey base. But the 'Ghost of the mountains' is in danger. Within a few decades, 50 to 80 percent of the animals have fallen victim to poaching and illegal trading. Illegal hunting has also depleted their main prey animals which endangers the snow leopards even further. Rangers are often underpaid and underequipped and work hard under difficult circumstances to protect endangered wildlife in Kyrgyzstan. One of the different ranger units who try to inforce the wildlife laws and perform environmental education is the 'Gruppa Bars' taskforce. The anti-poaching unit was established in 1999 with help of the nongovernmental organization NABU. The rangers have police power and work hand in hand with other law enforcement units.