Project Detail: ATKYE Bambakofi Academy


Reportage and Documentary 2019




Matteo Mazzotta


Project Info

ATKYE Bambakofi Academy

Visit to the kindergarten

The ATKYE Association was founded in 1997 in Lugano.
Formed by volunteers supports the schooling of children in the coastal region of Kenya (Kilifi County) through its own school and collaborations with other schools. Financially, it makes use of the contributions of private supporters, mainly through remote families; it also raises funds by participating in various events with ethnic stalls, organizing catering and intervening in other initiatives undertaken by its members.

The local ATKYE Project staff selects the students, favouring the girls in the measure of 3/4, by weighted choice, and favouring those who otherwise would not have the opportunity to attend a school. He keeps in touch with families, highlights needs.
On 19 February 2007, the ATKYE association inaugurated the new Bambakofi Academy (named after a tree typical of the area threatened with extinction), in Gede-Mijomboni, in the district of Malindi.

The first stage of primary school allowed 100 needy children from the Malindi and Kilifi region to start their schooling in a typical African structure, built with local materials and staff.
The school now welcomes 200 students, divided into the eight classes of the 'Primary School' cycle. These young people, aged between 6 and 16, previously scattered throughout various schools and now under our direct educational and organisational responsibility, are guaranteed board, lodging and of course, by qualified teachers, adequate basic education, totally free of charge given the difficult financial conditions of the families.

Several times a year, members of the Association go there and stay there for a few weeks.
The children in the photos were still in kindergarten, when we arrived they were enthusiastic and playful.
