Project Detail: Against All Odds


Emerging photographers 2017




Daniel Osorio Gonzalez


Project Info

Against All Odds

Colombia has one of the bloodiest histories in the world and Antioquia one of its biggest regions has been no stranger to violence and social conflicts. Since the beginning of the first paramilitary groups in the 30s who occupied this area for its dense vegetation to the violence brought by the Narcos in the 80s who had many Laboratories and Fincas in the area.

To the southwest of Antioquia, we find Jardin a beautiful traditional coffee town just around three hours from Medellin. Jardin has become an example town because of the great efforts by the Colombian government but especially by its proud inhabitants to turn around this violent image which still haunts the whole region of Antioquia.

While exploring the town and talking to its residents I was really overwhelmed by the pride and love they feel for their small but very unique town.

Their older residents told me stories of great horse fairs that took place in town and how they had won many prices for their top quality coffee. In the other hand, a group of younger kids took me totally off guard when they spoke to me in perfect English and explained to me they were learning it in school. They talked about how they loved the arrival of tourists from all over the world to their town and would love to travel the world someday.
