Project Detail: Development - Phases


LuganoPhotoDays 2016




Vittoria Groh


Project Info

Development - Phases

Since the past fifty years we can hear the word "development" very often. It comes in couple with sustainability, goes to dinner with food security, turns in the air with climate adaptation and comes along with a change of energy. "Development" is a word that is constantly evolving and gets modelled depending from the circumstances. It does not happen within a matter of seconds, and it takes a step at a time, across a wide range of different boxes.

Photographing development, I thought about building a house, in the middle of a situation considered “past” and a situation considered “future”. I thought about a curvy road, leading to this house; a colourful road, where every person would bring a brick of its own experience to link these two different time dimensions.

When we develop a project, or an idea, all focus comes back to turn around ourselves.
When we speak about developing a country, the spectrum reaches a very wide angle: many sectors, people, experiences, cultures, aspects are included in the process, and the steps have to be taken with an often painful attention to details.

This work is part of my project Development - Phases.
