Project Detail: [ARTBODY-BODYART]


Women photographers exhibition 2016




Moehr Joanna


Project Info


ARTBODY ... A tattoo. A drawing made by inserting indelible ink into the dermis layer of the skin. The skin is a canvas. The tattooist an artist. It is a kind of art. Art on a human body ...

For me tattoos are drawn stories. Pictorial told stories of a single individual. What can you get tattooed? The name of a lost love? The name of their own children? A childhood hero? A favorite story or an important symbol for himself ...?

Tattoos last forever. They can hardly remove. And many don't want to remove them because they are part of their life. they are simply part...

I've met a tattooed man. He has plenty of tattoos all over his body. And I was able to portray him. As I have documented his stories photographically. I listened to his stories and let me take into a fantastic world of secrets. With my pictures I have made them to "new" artworks. They show its secrets ... tell his story ... but I will be the storyteller...
