Project Detail: Eco Anxiety


Environment and Sustainability 2022




Alain Pitton


Project Info

Eco Anxiety

Portraits of eco-anxious youths and the reasons why

I’ve heard, read, saw dozens of psychologists, sociologists, environmentalists, journalists, and others speaking about ecoanxiety, solastagia amid young people (between 13 and 25 years old). These « experts » talk about youngsters but their own words are missing. After all, it will be them who will live most of their existence with the loss of biodiversity, global warming, climate breakdown, exhausted ressources, water scarcity in a squandered world. So I went to them. We met, I asked them. I also wanted to know the places where they feel good, the place which despair them and where they would prefer to be pictured.
For now, only young women participated to my project : I don’t have a straight answer to this. But, as it’s still a work in progress, young men are willing to contribute...
Only three out of ten chose a place making them feel better, the other ones chose something which scares them, despairs them. Trees or vegetation are ranking first for solace… Concrete, roads, waste, clear cut forest, plastics have been chosen by the last seven. Their choices are a good image of the problems human kind has created without thinking too much of consequences.
