IBSA Foundation Covid19
Anja Wurm
Stay at Home
How i passed my days during covid-19 lock down in march 2020
Storm Sabine was just raging and now the world suddenly stands still. It is an act of love when you are not visiting your loved one. Anyone can save the world by just staying home. I picked up my sister from the airport on March 14, 2020, and since then we have been sitting at home together based on the recommendations of the BAG. She works in the home office, I'm at home because life has just been kind of canceled anyway. The world only posts with the hashtag #stayhome. After all, you can still show your affection online with a like. Shopping and driving services for my parents are my only plans i have on my agenda. Saving the world doesn't feel as cool at all as I always imagined it would. Actually it is even boring and sometimes almost unbearable.