Project Detail: Decisive Moment


IBSA Foundation Covid19




Richard Le Manz


Project Info

Decisive Moment

Visual poetry in times of pandemic

This body of work has been created in the different periods of confinement suffered and is a reflection of the anxiety and concern generated by the different news about the evolution of the pandemic. The images want to express the contradictory feelings and emotions experienced. Each image explores some of the implications caused by the pandemic, from the use of masks, the uncontrolled contagion and the world hanging by a thread, the restrictions and confinements, the contribution of the health workers, the value of public health, the possible poisoned gift in the form of contagion that we bring to our loved ones, the desire to eat the virus, the vaccine in 2021 and the hope of locking up the virus once and for all. I just hope that soon these images are just a memory and that despite the painful scars we will move on.
