Project Detail: Checkpoint Covid


IBSA Foundation Covid19




Louis De Belle


Project Info

Checkpoint Covid

A brief taxonomy of sanitising checkpoints

While the Covid-19 virus is being isolated and analysed in scientific labs faraway from our eyes, the pandemic's impact on our life becomes visible through small daily gestures and defensive changes. Besides the reshaping of our fears and priorities, the virus has shaped our surroundings through plexiglass surfaces, codes of distancing, masks and sanitisers, through which each of us defines its own red area.
We might ask ourselves if cities are still going to look the same in a post-pandemic scenario, yet we face daily circumstances by improvising provisional solutions.
The photographs of Checkpoint Covid document the setups employed in bars, restaurants and shops, built by the owners who become impromptu designers by dealing with camouflage, decoration and 'good taste'. Metaphorically, these new totems, are now the checkpoints by which we are required to stop before entering a space: a threshold ritual as daily practice in our coexistence with the invisible threat.
