Project Detail: Karma Police


LuganoPhotoDays 2016




Martina Cirese



Project Info

Karma Police

This year marks the twenty-fifth anniversary of the opening of the STASI archives - the secret police of the GDR (German Democratic Republic). On December 29, 1991 over 180km files on dissidents’ private life have been cleared to the public for the first time, evidencing the persecution of millions of citizens of East Germany from 1950 until the fall of the Berlin Wall (1989).

About 200,000 people worked for the Ministry for State Security (MfS-STASI), spying friends, family, colleagues or lovers. Through repression and paranoia, they persecuted every form of action or critical thinking against the regime. After more than twenty-five years since the collapse of the GDR, “Karma Police” explore the feelings of oppression and fear caused by living under constant emotional control. With this work I intend to reveal the memory of the victims of one of the cruelest police organizations of the Twentieth century.
